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The Logistics 4.0 Incubator of the Barcelona Zona France incorporates four new projects

News Article

18 jul 2024 | The Logistics 4.0 Incubator, an initiative by the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona (CZFB) to promote Industry 4.0 in the logistics sector, has welcomed three new startups: Grasshopper Air Mobility, Total Logistiks and Grone Global Logistics. These three companies join the startups already incubated by the program, consolidating the Logistics 4.0 Incubator as a benchmark in the Spanish logistics entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The Logistics 4.0 Incubator, Spain's first high-tech incubator dedicated to Industry 4.0 in the logistics value chain, promoted by the Barcelona Free Trade Zone Consortium (CZFB), has just added three new projects. These are Grasshopper Air Mobility, Total Logistiks, Controlt and Grone Global Logistics, four of the startups that participated in the SIL 2024 Startup Innovation Hub. These four projects have been selected by an expert jury from among the 80 startups participating in this call as the most innovative initiatives.

The special delegate of the State at the CZFB, Pere Navarro, and the general director of the CZFB, Blanca Sorigué, have welcomed the heads and founders of Grasshopper Air Mobility, Total Logistiks and Grone Global Logistics to the Logistics 4.0 Incubator. During this event, Navarro recalled that “the Logistics 4.0 Incubator aims to provide services to the business, scientific and technological community in different sectors associated with the logistics value chain that are susceptible to Industry 4.0, adding technological value to both products and processes.” Navarro added that “with the incorporation of these four new startups, we have already incubated 46 initiatives in one year and have helped projects that started out as an idea but had difficulties in getting them down to earth and materializing them, are now a reality and have become companies with a spectacular future ahead of them.” Read the full article here:

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